About Kabisa

We work to incite positive change in a world full of landscapes that look different every day. We’re focused on people and organizations working to make the world a better place, providing a range of tools and expertise to help navigate constantly changing landscapes.

Ellen Ericson Kupp, MA
Senior Partner
Ellen’s focus is learning strategy, design and facilitation. Her craft is creating online, blended and in-person learning experiences that dance, stick and change the world, rooted in proven principles of adult learning.
Prior to establishing Kabisa in 2007, Ellen worked for World Vision in a number of different capacities in Canada, East Africa and the International office. During her tenure with WVI, she worked on the Partnership Strategy development team helping craft a number of key initiatives. As budgets for travel and meetings shrank, her interest in online learning took root. Ellen combines strong project design and management skills with her creative competence in all aspects of learning ecologies. Her social IQ turns projects into enjoyable encounters.
Email: ellen@kabisa.ca
Connect with Ellen on LinkedIn

David D. Kupp, PhD
Senior Partner
David is responsible for contracts in international programming, innovation and learning. David brings 32 years of experience in international development, formal and informal education, research and learning, and organizational strategy, change and policy. He combines his passion for participatory and innovative learning with decades of engagement in peace, justice and development. He has researched, taught and practiced in the public, private and civil society sectors, in more than 25 countries. For six years, David led and facilitated a number of organizational strategy and change initiatives for World Vision International.
David’s areas of professional expertise include:
- Lecturer and formal educator (undergraduate, graduate, adult)
- Teacher, trainer and facilitator in community development (Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia)
- Organizational change and strategy leader
- Researcher, writer and publisher
- Formal certification in methods of Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space, Technologies of Participation
- Senior leader and executive manager
- Multi-stakeholder Process facilitator/ Multi-Sectoral Partnership development
- Multi-country, multi-year CIDA grant program manager
- Project and programme design, monitoring and evaluation
- LogFrame and Results-Based Management trainer and designer
- Environmental Policy analyst and EIA trainer
- International Advocacy-Policy analyst
David has a PhD from the University of Durham in England. He is currently:
- an international consultant, facilitator and trainer
- a lecturer in International Development at University of Toronto
- senior advisor to World Vision International’s local partnering and governance initiatives.
Email: david@kabisa.ca
Connect with David on LinkedIn

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