Bags of discarded decorations are out on the curb. Needles from the tree coat the floor. The lethargy of holiday merriment persists. But for charities this is no time to rest. Between Christmas and New Years is prime time for ‘generous procrastinators’.
So says a seven year study by Network for Good. We all know that December is the traditional top month for charitable giving. A third of charities’ online donations are made in December. Perhaps more remarkable, says the study: “22 percent of online gifts are made in the last two days of the year.”
The study found that the primest prime time for online giving occurs on December 31 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. in the donor’s time zone.
Make sure all systems and backup systems are go for these crucial year end days. Send out that final reminder email. And then have yourselves a very happy new year!