One is often called to make a decision and then live boldly into it. Big life decisions are not often absolutely clear (if ever) and the ramifications are never entirely positive. Once a decision has been made, both life and naming require the determination to live boldly.
Sometimes, despite all the process and creativity and metrics, the right new name is a tie with the runner up. A decision isn’t crystal clear. They both meet all the criteria for a great name: distinct, human and simple; possessing energy, depth and appeal—and no negative connotations.
In addition, one of the most important things a new name has to have is a story—a narrative that brings it to life in the hearts and minds of the people you want it to appeal to the most. It needs a story to live into once you’ve made the difficult decision.
During the transition from the old name to the new name, with proper handling, the broader narrative behind it begins to take hold and grow. It forms new attachments in brain cells and eyeballs. The story helps make sense of the new name to those who hear and see it.
It calls for a bold approach. You are changing perceptions.
You can even change the meaning of an old name with the right compelling narrative. “Obamacare” is a case in point. Supporters of the law in the US protested in favour of it outside the Supreme Court last week and re-minted its meaning on signs in bold letters.
The Republicans originally coined the name to signify big, bad government. Recently, President Obama turned the tables on it. “You want to call it Obamacare? That’s OK, because I do care,” he said.
It’s become a potent new rally call for his supporters. Be bold.