Horizon website

Inside pages of Horizon's promotional website

Inside pages of Horizon’s promotional website

This website functions as an internal promotional site for a remarkable system designed as a virtual marketplace for development practitioners, where eventually they will be able to collaborate, leverage information and ideas through shared technologies, and then lead innovation in humanitarian practice.

Following the naming exercise, Kabisa began working on content to describe how the system will impact a variety of different categories of people within the organization over the course of its development in four stages. We put our heads together with Marco Fraschetti (web developer–Mondodigitalis) and Heather Finlayson (designer–MereName Design) to come up with a design and a number of java-based scripts that allowed us to display all of this information in an easily accessible and engaging way.

We developed 15 different personas representing the vast majority of the organization’s 41,000 staff across the world. Each persona page gives brief descriptions of the persona and how Horizon will uniquely impact their work in each of its four stages. Sliding screens reveal actual pages from the system that they’ll be using once it goes live to give them a sense of the potential.

The landing page for the site (shown on the website page) contains a globe with the persona names rotating through it in a random fashion. This allowed us to highlight all of the functions of the organization without putting a hierarchical slant to them.