One of my favourite clients just received her black belt in communications from Melcrum (Congrats, Christine!)  In recalling the effort, she reminded me of an important communications dictum to keep in mind:  Know, feel and do.

Before that first tap on the keyboard, a good communicator carefully considers what the audience needs to know, how they should feel, and what they should  do as a result of reading what you’re about to write—be it a story, a report, a communications plan, a brand positioning, a marketing piece … or a blog. These three words drive a world of concise and purposeful communications.

Let me give it a go here:

  • I would like you to know that I know a thing or two about communications and that I hobnob with black belts
  • I would like you to feel a level of confidence in my abilities to tackle any of your communications or branding needs
  • And I would love for you to contact me to help with your next project (

It just as well applies to the art of facilitation. In planning a meeting or a discussion, I map out the “rational aim” (what I want the group to know, produce or decide) and the “experiential aim” (how the group or members of the group should be or feel at the end of the session), and a space for the actionable decision or resolution—what the group will do once they leave the meeting space and time.

This all leads to what everyone wants—concise and purposeful meetings.

Know—feel—do.  How does it apply in your life and work? Do let me know.