Project Spotlight

NRPA: Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course

Change is inevitable in all aspects of life. This especially applies to online courses. The National Recreation and Park Association’s Certified Playground Safety Inspector course had a good, long run in its first online iteration. However, ASTM and CPSC guidelines change over time and the software evolves. NRPA has a robust learning ecology and did an excellent job of capturing learner feedback. Revisions based on new guidelines and the feedback were translated into Articulate, using the best features of both the Rise platform and Storyline. 

The primary target audience for this course is already certified playground safety inspectors who are required to refresh their certification every 3 years. These courses used to be taught in person, but as a result of the pandemic, NRPA found that an online course allows inspectors to take the course from the convenience of their homes and in their available time, which is a significant convenience and cost savings.

Without losing any of the content, we reorganized the flow of the course to help learners access the individual components easier. With our editor’s hat on, we simplified or clarified some of the language. Using Storyline animated videos was very helpful when explaining some of the more complicated concepts around use zones and fall heights. We used, an AI-enabled voice generator for the voice-over. It does a remarkably good job … with apologies to all the VO actors … for a very reasonable subscription price.


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